Intercoin Applications: Subscriptions


Intercoin developed SubscriptionContract in order to help, collect recurring revenues from around the world. It can be used by event organizers, content creators, membership organizations, or community portals of any kind.

People and organizations around the world are looking for easier ways to monetize their content and services. Podcasters, artists, end up giving their audience to YouTube or Twitter Spaces, because they have the infrastructure. Those sites then promptly lure your audience away to other content and other brands.

But what if you if you didn’t have to? Thanks to the Qbix Platform, you’re now able to turn your own website into a growing community portal, able to connect your fans together, around your content and brand.

One way to monetize your customer base is by selling recurring subscriptions, and you can already do this with multiple credit card solutions. Intercoin’s SubscriptionContract lets you collect recurring membership fees from people all over the world, across many different blockchains, using many different tokens including ETH or USDT. People can authorize payments to come out of their wallet, and the smart contract is able to withdraw membership fees on a recurring basis – daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

But how much should you charge? The SubscriptionContract also works with AuctionContract for price discovery. Imagine opening up a new yoga class, with 20 spots and having people bid on those spots. When the class starts, the winners have access to the class. You don’t leave money on the table, and you also don’t end up with a class that’s only half full.

SubscriptionContract also works with CommunityContract to grant roles while the subscription is active. If the a payment fails, the subscription lapses and the subscriber has a chance to restore it. Websites around the world, including yours, can read the blockchain (using any provider such as Infura or QuickNode) and know the current state of the user’s membership and roles in the community. All this is already built into the Qbix Platform.

You can check out the code here:

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