Understanding Intercoin and Qbix

Understanding Intercoin and Qbix

One of our Community Building Members made a great video review on our project in his YouTube Channel “Critical Complex- Crypto Information & Updates”.

In this video, David has made a great review about Intercoin and Qbix and talked about their true potential in helping communities globally!

Intercoin lets communities release and manage their own currency and ensure integrity in democratically run elections, governance, and Universal Basic Income.

Qbix, on the other hand, lets communities release and manages their own social network, and launch it in the app stores for their members.

We really appreciate this video made by him.

We highly recommend watching how Intercoin and Qbix are working to empower communities!

#cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralization #empowercommunities #tokenpresale #Intercoin #communitytoken #cryptoinvestor


Every community needs to be able to issue their own coin easy and customize it to their needs


How are you planning in making crypto mainstream?


We need more cryptos out there that benefits their community!


by making it accessible to all communities where they can easily use it for daily transactions

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Interoin will change lives. I’m an avid believer in the project.


Really appreciate you putting this together :fire: helped me understand the Intercoin and QBix technology/ currency much better !


I still don’t understand what Intercoin is? What is Qibix? Will by joining the community I will get a Prize?


Ask any question here!
The team or community can guide you. Keep you eye on the prize! :wink:

This video explains it good as well

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Hello…Good night Moderator Intercoin

check out my video below in the comments

How to get the Intercoin reward?

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@SimasPoniran79 have a look if this document will help you to understand https://intercoin.org/tokenomics.pdf
Otherwise, join our “Ask Me Anything” session on telegram this Wednesday Telegram: Contact @Intercoin

By joining the community you will get knowledge!