Logistics and Trucking

Hello everyone I’m new to the community

I have a strong background in IT and logistics as well as trucking industry

I supply communities all around 50 states in America with parts sometimes food and majority of all my business is international I work directly with Mexican imports and exports in Texas I give millions of micro economies hundreds of jobs to people in need the most.

Intercoin from what I understand could benefit from some of my knowledge in how local farms and logistics as well as e-commerce could benefit a lot if we could invest into warehouse space and management of online products strictly for bitcoin users to feel comfortable with purchasing products with crypto currency and I think intercoin is just the answer to this massive issue we have with money exchange rate . I would like to buy $2,000 USD of intercoin to hold it to be able to purchase land to begin a marketing operations for industrial size operations starting with local farming communities all around the US.


Hey Ray welcome to our community, very happy to have you. Helping out micro economies and benefiting local communities like small farms is what Intercoin is all about, so you are definitely in the right place. Have a look around, and while you’re at it, whats your email or best way to reach you? Would love to help you get whitelisted and get you some tokens

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Hello you can reach me at [email protected] I would love to get whitelisted

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Oh, good timing actually I just sent you an email. Saw your first name was Renan so didn’t realize that was you haha. Do you go by Renan or Ray?

Welcome to the community Ray, great to have you as a supporter/investor in #Intercoin.
Have you seen already an article that @Gregory_Magarshak1 wrote about Voluntary Basic Income in Communities? (Rolling Out Voluntary Basic Income in Communities)

Would be interesting to hear about your view and perhaps some ideas :wink:


Like others have said, welcome to the community! I know Andrew Yang spoke a lot about the trucking industry. That’s a very impressive background, I’d love to hear more about your experience in the business and Mexican imports, and how Intercoin might be able to help with the exchange rates and solutions. Would you like to schedule a call with me and the team for sometime next week? You can use this link: https://calendly.com/intercoin/meeting

Also here are the instructions for how to provide your Ethereum wallet to be whitelisted:


Hey sorry about the delay responding I work about 70-80 hours per week back and forth from Mexico to Kansas City 2 times per week

I would love to schedule a meet up with your team Over the web, there’s a lot of information I would like to share when it comes to trucking and local communities

I have setup my account and uploaded my Info to get whitelisted and my wallet address

We could discuss the logistics challenges within the industry and how this bitcoin could revolutionize the e-commerce and many areas of this project backed by the everyday market and consumption as well as communities and small agriculture products

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@Gregory_Magarshak1 and I have a very similar vision of what sound money is and how we as humanity could benefit from this project absolutely amazing :+1:t2:


@Ray_stone, I’m so pleased to hear about your understanding of a greater vision behind @Intercoin and how we all can support humanity with our talents and at the same time could benefit from it.