"Just say no to CBDCs" says article. But they're coming

What is being described would work on a local level, instead of a one-size-fits-all policy. As we’ve seen before, rules for moderating a community aren’t what’s bad, rather a huge one-size-fits-all situation like Big Tech social platforms can be bad, and it can get worse over time.

The question we need to ask ourselves is … what does this Executive Order mean for Intercoin?


Often I think things never change even tho good people do try to fix world problems, because they want to tackle issues on a national level. Just a simple example is politics. If one side proposes a bill more often than not the other party rejects it. In my opinion life changing movements need to first start on a local level, as each city has different needs from the next city.


Yep. Building bottom-up results in solutions that serve people in all kinds of flexible ways, rather than top down. That’s because they’re BY the people, not just FOR the people.