Intercoin Applications: Stats and Analytics


Intercoin has developed a smart contract library to collect statistics about on-chain operations, such as payments and transactions in a community. It lets other smart update() its statistics, such as daily and weekly averages. Addresses can be tagged with one or more tags, allowing on-chain statistics to be calculated across various categories.

Imagine everyone funding a university stipend for its students knowing the answers to questions like:

  • How much does an average student spend on books vs food vs clothing vs entertainment?
  • What is the average amount of money spent on food in any given week?
  • Is there organic inflation, or a book cartel raising prices?

Imagine if experts could develop AI models to analyze communities, and publish economic reports on what happens across many communities, and make policy recommendations. Imagine if those policies could then be organically implemented by various communities, using Intercoin smart contracts for Voting and Governance, for things like how much UBI to give out. That would make communities worldwide laboratories of democracy:

You can explore the code here:

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