How Roger Ver and many others first heard about Bitcoin

Turns out our friends at Free Talk Live were the first media in the world to talk about Bitcoin! And Roger Ver was one of the people who got inspired enough to invest in it. They also discussed it early on with Gavin Wood (Bitcoin’s major early developer) etc. Here is the video:

Check out specifically the bit at 5:42 :wink:

Because now, Free Talk Live is speaking about Intercoin every day. Just go to and listen to the podcasts.

Turns out that FTL was discussing alternative local currencies since before Bitcoin, so the approach we have taken at Intercoin jives very much with that.

Intercoin may turn out to be just the revolution we needed when it comes to currency and money.


I’m proud to be a host at :slight_smile:


As far as I know, they are promoting bitcoin cash. Therefore, I can’t take these guys seriously as Craig Wright

Thanks to people like Roger Ver, I know what Bitcoin and crypto are. But I didn’t know these guys were pioneers in the field. Glad I’m part of it.

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You mean you don’t take Craig Wright seriously, or that you do?

When I first heard about Bitcoins and started to do research about it, I got excited that through digital money I can make any kind of purchases :smiley: