Cowra Coin - for a small town in Central West NSW, Australia


I have started drafting a discussion doc for this idea / project:

If anyone is interested in helping me work out if the project is worth putting some effort into, feel free to comment here on the doc, send me an email or, if you are REALLY motivated, let me know and I will give you commenter or editor rights to the doc . .




It would be great if we could get the Cowra Coin going before this festival so that it could be used at a time of peak tourism and economic activity:


Yes, I agree, let’s go to work with this!


Thank you Phil for your enthusiasm and desire to issue Cowra Coin.

Following several of our previous conversations in other posts and during Intercoin’s AMA session, I can see several benefits for your community and we will be happy to provide full information and links for documents and plans for the development of the platform.

As you probably know already Greg Magarshak, Founder and CEO of Intercoin have more than 10 years of experience in building social APPs with Qbix and both Greg’s companies are building open infrastructure projects that are currently found on the Social and Payment platforms.

Qbix lets communities own their own data, brand and relationships. Meanwhile, Intercoin is building [blockchain applications]

Intercoin’s platform for local communities uses cryptography to empower people to coordinate activities privately, including currency and governance.

You can have a look at the document that was created for the purpose of developing a solution for local disbursements in accordance with EVANSTON RESOLUTION.

Greg also wrote a great article on how Intercoin enables any community to issue and manage their own currencies and potentially give them out as a universal basic income.

That enable a community to democratically govern its activities through voting on the blockchain as the entire ecosystem, designed to be more valuable when more people of a community start using it.

Here are some advantages that can be achieved with the implementation of the Platform for local communities:

• Helps organizations engage their members by releasing social networking apps aimed at helping them connect.

• Helps people meet activity partners for common interests, make plans in real life, and get group discounts at local vendors.

• Helps local vendors drive walk-in business from groups of customers in real-time on-demand, by offering group deals.

• Open marketplace for social plugins and components by third-party developers and interoperability with other apps or sites.



I have added a little more stuff to the doc last night and have been thinking more about the possibility of [a] Coin[s] for Aboriginal groups as well as the Cowra town idea (Cowra has a significant Aboriginal population). There are more advantages for Aboriginal groups in terms of them regaining sovereignity etc and the political angle would be that it would be very difficult for the Federal and State governments to impose their taxes once something is working because it would be seen (correctly) to be racist and preventing Aboriginal self-help. I think one or more coins for all of the Aboriginal Nations would work a little like the closed-shop Native American economic areas - not that I would like to encourage the gambling angle . .


Actually, it’s a very good angle and especially since we already had a similar conversation with some leaders of another ethnic minority group.

Also, just as a suggestion, perhaps you can contact your local Councils Business Officer on (02) 6340 2038 during office hours and ask if they would be interested to support you.

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Yes, I will be doing that - there are also a couple of business development groups outside the Council - but I will prob be a little quiet with them about the additional Aboriginal angle until I know what the individuals involved are like . .


Totally agree! Smart move Philip :wink: - shows your experience in this kind of situation.

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Well I am old and decrepit (nearly 70) but I have been involved in politics all my life (inc being an Alderman on Sydney City Council for some years - our wards had a big Aboriginal population).


WOW, it’s really great! An alderman and IT specialist is a very fortunate combination. Now I understand WHY you are SO enthusiastic :clap: :clap: :clap:


I have just started a dialog with the Local Aboriginal Land Council - ideally it would be good to cover the whole Wiradjuri area:

Update: and now also the local Neighbourhood Centre:


Wow sounds like a plan. Let’s make this happen!


Hey, I read the Google document. It looks like you have a great outline! :ok_hand:


Well it was a quick draft and needs input from you guys but it is a start!


Yeah but the vision is definitely outlined.


Outline doc update re Wiradjuri Coin (“Wira Coin” / WC)

The more I think about the larger, regional WC, the more I think this might be the better first exercise - I think there is a better use case for the Aboriginal Community than an isolated small town first.

One of the advantages of a WC-first approach is that Aboriginal art via NFTs could be integrated into the plan from the beginning - allowing buyers to go straight to the artists would be fantastic! - there is a long history of Aboriginal artists being ripped off by unscrupulous intermediaries . .


I’d have never thought of this, it just shows the amazing possibilities and opportunities this all brings!


You are absolutely correct on that @philip_rhoades, especially that Intercoin already developed 1 marketplace for NFT community and it’s working well. Here is some news about it

Does it mean that you are in contact with Cowra LALC?
Are there any options for you to arrange a zoom meeting for us with Regional Councillor: [Cr Leeanne Hampton] ?

Or share with her this 5 min video

I have left a text for the local Cowra person - I will give her a bit more time and then phone if I don’t hear from her. Dealing with LC people is probably trickier than Cowra Council people . .