Councilman Greg Lin Tanaka understands crypto

Today @Gregory_Magarshak1 CEO of Intercoin & Qbix, @Norman_Qian Intercoin’s team manager and myself first got to sit through the city of Palo Alto council meeting. We listened to the board member of the city’s vision and concerns.

After the meeting the 3 of us from the Intercoin team, Greg Lin Tanaka and another guest Ivan spoke about city coin and the utility it could or could not bring to cities.

Listen in

Also here is some Greg wrote about a year and 1/2 ago about his vision.


Keep up the good work @cryptostaceyb, @Gregory_Magarshak1 and @Norman_Qian :clap: :clap: :clap:


That is really great news @cryptostaceyb and I appreciate you sharing a video recording with us to understand how Intercoin’s technology can support the different governments to run local city coins to support the economy and even to provide a stable income for the population.

One of my favourite pages on the forum is clearly showing so many applications that can be deployed in any location all over the world.