Bitcoin UTXO growth hits all time high

It means that it’s going to take more and more resources to run a full node. That’s what happens when your coins are divisible and every transaction creates more and more artifacts that must be stored by the whole network. Since a wallet can hold thousands of UTXOs that have been spent by thousands of people in the past, it’s very hard to untangle their histories. If a full node really wants to make sure there was no double-spend, it would have to store the entire history of every transaction ever.

Since the coins on the Intercoin network aren’t divisible, they have a much shorter history, and each one can be tracked by a subset of the network. Maybe a coin changes hands 100 times before being taken out of circulation. The transactions can also be private and encrypted, while still allowing statistics showing that they’ve been spent on a particular category (food, clothing, books etc.) because each merchant certified with this category would be able to sign the transaction with that category, without revealing themselves.

This enables a local Consumer Price Index and money analytics for any community.

The history of all transactions is stored in the blockchain and takes up more and more space. Does this mean that Intercoin is technically more advanced than Bitcoin?

Intercoins aren’t divisible and therefore have a much shorter history than Bitcoin. That’s why Intercoin is more advanced.

Does this affect the speed of data processing on the Intercoin network? If so, there is a huge advantage on the Intercoin side.